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The most comprehensive tool for measuring PROMs & PREMs
In use by over 60 healthcare institutions
Safety & privacy
OnlinePROMS is developed based on the latest standards in terms of safety and privacy. Both the software development and the data storage are compliant with the ISO27001 and NEN7510 guidelines.
The section where patients register and complete questionnaires is delivered in the healthcare facility’s own house style. The automatically generated e-mail invitations and reminders have this same look and feel. This recognisability results in a greater response to the questionnaires.
Clear license costs
For a single license fee, OnlinePROMS can be used “without limitations” within a specialty: questionnaires, measurement processes, patients, administrators, reports, support and maintenance of the system are all included in the license fee. Please contact us for an offer.
Alerts for certain scores
Er is niet altijd voldoende tijd om alle scores van individuele patiënten te bekijken. Om er zeker van te zijn dat “afwijkende" scores toch gesignaleerd worden, kunnen signalen ingesteld worden. Binnen een meettraject kan ingesteld worden bij welke vragenlijsten of individuele vragenlijsten deze notificaties verzonden moeten worden. Denk hierbij aan bijvoorbeeld pijnscores of zorgen over de genezing van de wond.
Reports & Exports
Both at individual and at group level, OnlinePROMS offers a wide range of extensive reports and exports – from graphs showing score trends during treatment to raw data exports which can be used in applications such as SPSS, MS Excel and MS Access. Moreover, OnlinePROMS offers a quick overview of statistical information on participation and follow-up.
Within OnlinePROMS, an extensive library of existing, validated questionnaires and measurement processes is available. They can be used at any time*. In addition, it is possible to create your own questionnaires and measurement processes. If so desired, we will offer support free of charge. * This applies to royalty-free questionnaires and questionnaires for which the healthcare facility has a license.
Invitations & notifications
OnlinePROMS automatically sends e-mail invitations and two reminders to patients when a new questionnaire becomes available to them. Do patients not respond or does the e-mail address not exist (anymore)? Then a notification is sent to an employee of the healthcare institution.
Link with the Electronic Health Record (EHR)
We all know the link with the Electronic Health Record is not the easiest of topics. Yet it is still possible to talk about it. As standard and free of charge, OnlinePROMS is delivered with an API (Application Programming Interface) and a Web Viewer. By means of the API, data can be sent to and from OnlinePROMS. By means of the Web Viewer, data can be shown in a single, clearly structured window in the EHR.